Huber Astrological Psychosynthesis

History of Huber Astrology

Bruno & Louise’s approach became known as The Huber Method, an intensively researched, highly detailed and comprehensive way of analyzing a Chart. - Astrological Psychology Association 2012

I practice a form of astrology pioneered by Louise and Bruno Huber, along with a traditional practice of astrology (horary, largely relating to William Lilly). I completed my diploma in astrology through the Huber method and I absolutely embrace its approach and power, both from insights and the alchemical ability to support clients (retrograde learning triangles, invocation of the will, etc.). In natal work I work exclusively in Huber, trusting the research, and deep esoteric roots the Hubers gifted us. As an open system, the Huber method is open to all astrological knowledge and evolution, and yet is a comprehensive system in itself.

I was told this photo was from Switzerland?!

Astrological Psychology is based on 50 years of research, consulting and teaching by Swiss astrologers/psychologists Bruno & Louise Huber. Bruno Huber began studying astrology in 1947. When Bruno met (1952) and married (1953) Louise he was also a student of psychology and philosophy. Louise was deeply involved in the esotericism of Alice Bailey and theosophy, and The Tibetan. Combining all these influences, Bruno began to research and compare psychological test results against astrological terminology and ideas. In 1956 the Hubers moved to Geneva to set up an Alice Bailey arcane school. But the most important influence on the development of their astrological ideas came in 1958 when they moved on to Italy to study with Roberto Assagioli, the founder of Psychosynthesis.

Here is an excerpt/abstract from Sue Lewis, (Dipl. APA, Tutor with former APA school) on the transformative techniques of the Hubers. Published by Culture and Cosmos and the Sophia Centre Press, in partnership with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, in association with the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture.

Abstract: “While Bruno and Louise Huber were developing their Astrological Psychology, they assisted with the foundation of the Arcane School in Geneva and worked for three years with Roberto Assagioli at his Psychosynthesis Institute in Florence. Their non-predictive method blends astrology with psychosynthesis as a way to self-realization that resembles the pillars of ascent of Kabbalah and Neoplatonism. Like Jung, Assagioli concealed his esoteric interests to preserve his professional reputation, and Huber astrologers do not usually class themselves as magicians. Nevertheless their engagement with the evolution of the will through the shifting borders of the mind and its memories by way of learning triangles in the Natal Chart, as well as Moon Node Astrology, is similar to the use of celestial magic as a way to self-empowerment practised by members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This paper will examine the Hubers’ astrology within the context of Neoplatonic, Kabbalistic and magical philosophy.”

Sue Lewis, ‘The Transformational Techniques of Huber Astrology’, Celestial Magic, special issue of Culture and Cosmos, Vol. 19, nos. 1 and 2, Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer 2015, pp. 207-23.

Huber astrological psychology is sometimes called astrological psychosynthesis. It’s very growth-oriented and more to do with the humanistic approach to astrology. It combines traditional astrological understanding with modern psychology, with the form of psychology being psychosynthesis developed by the Italian psychiatrist Dr. Roberto Assagioli. He was based in Florence, Italy, and he developed this particular approach to looking at the psyche. This psychology is very inclusive and it works on the principle of integrating the different components or parts of the personality. Rather than being a focus on analysis -- where Jung would analyze or take things apart. Assagioli was more interested in integrating parts of the psyche, and working towards a whole. Assagioli was a contemporary of Jung and he worked alongside Jung for a period of time. But their paths separated as Assagioli was very interested in the role of the will in the personality.

Assagioli was also very interested and concerned with bringing in a more spiritual or transpersonal approach to his psychology. Psychosynthesis is often known as the “psychology with a soul.” The Huber approach is very holistic and people-centered. In a way, it’s less interested in what’s going to happen to you, or external events, and more focused on the inside of what’s going on at the moment and how am I interacting with the world around me.