Discovering Answers with Horary Astrology: Insights and Predictions Made Simple

I assume when a client asks a question or is looking for insights, they want a reliable answer. This may sound obvious, but it’s critical to understanding the difference between looking up transits and other birth-chart-related timing systems and using horary.

Horary vs. Transits, etc. The “Weather” vs Actual Insights

Horary gives a full chart specific to your question, while other timing systems require a lot of digging and messing around. Even then, transits and other chart-related techniques will tend to give the astrological “weather” vs an actual prediction, so for this reason, clients should be aware.

For example, your transits might tell a story of, “Wow, that Jupiter trine Venus shows a lot of potential for romance!” (showing the weather and NOT making a direct prediction) vs. “You will meet someone within 6 weeks — yes, they are madly in love with you.” (horary). While it might seem like a no-brainer to use horary, it’s important to know that many astrologers aren’t trained in this technique. Many will offer predictions, focusing on transits, etc. These are only going to show the potential, and this can be useful, but please note that it’s not as solid as horary.

Horary: The most practical means to valid insights

The short answer is that if you want direct, reliable insights into a specific area of your life I highly recommend you focus on horary. For sheer accuracy and reliability, horary - the act of casting a chart for a specific question - is by a country mile, the most reliable form of astrological insight. For internal timing, and personal development/evolution, etc. I absolutely recommend the Age Point timing system (my preferred method). But when it comes to direct, practical outcomes, hoary works every time.

What is Horary?

Horary astrology is an ancient and helpful practice that offers valuable insights and predictions to clients by casting a chart based on the moment they ask a specific question. It works on the idea that the time of the question contains the essence of the situation, revealing celestial influences that guide an astrologer to provide meaningful guidance. Let's explore how this intriguing art can assist you and a few examples of the questions you can ask an astrologer.

How Horary Astrology Works:

Imagine you have a pressing question in mind—a decision you need to make, an outcome you want to know, or a situation you're curious about. Instead of looking at your birth chart, horary astrology focuses on the time and place you ask the question. I then create a unique chart that represents the heavens at that exact moment. By interpreting the positions of planets and their connections, I can help uncover the answers you seek.

Benefits of Horary Astrology:

Clarity and Precision: Horary astrology provides straightforward and precise answers to your specific questions, without any vague or confusing information.

Swift Responses: Since the chart reflects the present moment, you get quick responses, helping you make timely decisions.

Impartial Guidance: The astrologer remains unbiased, analyzing the chart objectively to give you the most accurate insights.

Future Exploration: Horary astrology is perfect for exploring future outcomes or unknown situations, giving you a glimpse into what lies ahead.

Examples of Horary Questions:

Will I get the job I recently interviewed for?

Does he love me? Who does he love?

Will this job/contract pay?

What is wrong with the new house I’m looking to purchase? Will I like the neighbours?

Is this the right time to start a new business venture?

Should I buy a new house or renovate my current one?

Will my lost pet return home safely?

Is this the right person for a romantic relationship?

Should I invest my savings in stocks or real estate?

Will I be able to resolve the dispute with my neighbor amicably?

Downsides to horary:

Since we cast one chart per question or related theme, the client is limited to that one them of question. You can’t simply ask ten questions on every area of life and expect a solid answer. So you need to think clearly and come to the horary astrologer with a contemplative question you truly want an answer for. Any reasonable valid question can be answered (in most cases, see above for examples).

Horary astrology is a fantastic tool for gaining valuable insights and predictions to help you in making important life decisions. By analyzing the astrological chart cast at the moment you ask a question, I can provide you with clear and helpful guidance. It's like having a celestial GPS to navigate through the complexities of life, guiding you toward the best possible outcomes. So, next time you have a burning question, consider consulting a horary astrologer for a unique and insightful perspective.

How to Ask a Horary Question:

Typically I receive an email from a client. The best way is to email me with the subject line “Horary request.” Please keep the question specific and short, providing a small (please!) amount of detail.

For example, “Hi Mark, I have a horary question. I’m wondering if the car I’m about to buy is a lemon or not. Can you do a horary for that?” Thanks.

I’ll note the time I read and understood the question and I’ll cast a chart for that time. For example if I read your email at 8:45 am I will cast the chart for then. It works!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me! Mark


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