We all have our strengths, Super Strengths

In Huber astrology we use colour in a very precise way. As a holistic astrology, the entire gestalt, or inner world (psyche) is displayed via the coloured aspect structure in the middle of the chart. Within these coloured lines are years and years of empirical research owing significance to the shapes that are manifested therein. On a personal level, I find it’s one of the most grabbing and easily relate-able features of Huber astrology. Clients can quickly see and relate to these patterns and see their inner world come to life very quickly. While the overall aspect pattern reveals a tonne of information on why you tick, I have often found that our real super mutant powers (often lying dormant) capture my clients minds first.

There are approximately 45 different researched aspect patterns with names like Microscope, Eye/Ear, Bijou, Arena, Model, UFO, Ambivalence, Learning Triangle, Projection (Yod), Talent Triangle, Achievement Triangle, Striving, etc. They are composed of various shapes, and are differentiated by the planets at their various points, the position, Sign, and orientation. In short, they are all unique and contain various combinations of strengths.

Small Talent Triangle: One of my favourite figures

One of my favourite figures is the Small Talent Triangle. Composed of two blue sextiles and a trine, the figure is dynamic, and contains latent strengths, usually hidden to the individual. After some discussion a growing awareness of the client’s strengths and talents emerge. My wife has one of these figures. When we first looked at her chart (she was one of my “research” files for my Huber Astrological Psychology diploma) a light instantly clicked.

Hers combines Moon/Mars in Libra (Justice/power/All-things-Mars) matched with Venus in the 7th house of “You” in independent, airy (thinking), rebellious Aquarius. Houses represent the areas of the Birth Chart which symbolises the environment – where we live out our lives — you can read up on them in the Cosmic Egg Timer. The apex of the talent triangle is where the strengths are realized — the ”output.” In her case, Uranus’ creative intelligence and “kick over the game-board” abilities. Uranus is a game-changer and seeks new forms of security (it’s a fixed planet, after all). This talent triangle provides strength, abilities, and desire for questioning status-quo — and seeks to break down “the old boys club” metaphorically and truly.

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
— Anne Frank, Diarist

I love David Bowie

Small Talent Triangle - Apex Uranus

In Sagittarius, Jen invokes this as an expansive talent in the 5th house of creativity and “common collective” where we meet and deal with the games people play, etc. For example, the social media world and the general moral codes we find in the 5th house (as opposed to the 11th house where our individual ethics can enlighten and find alliances with chosen groups). In the 5th house we have to duke it out with everyone else. I see her using this triangle’s talents on a daily basis. Her insights and desires for social justice are inexhaustible (Sag.) and she doesn’t suffer fools easily (Moon/Mars). She brings Venus into the equation on many levels. She won the inclusion award in her BEd program and her Masters thesis is focused on fears, and inhibitions on teaching science. As a qualitative study, narrative-focus, she seeks insight on a relate-able level (the personal stories) from teachers. The purpose of her thesis research? Change how we deliver science so that it’s more accessible and harmonious for teachers and students alike. How fitting, and a wonderful expression of this talent triangle.

Part of the initiation for Jen was realizing these strengths. Her powerful Moon/Mars is intercepted and the energies there, as a result, have a hard time meeting the world directly. By shifting the energy out through Venus and Uranus, these mutant super powers can be realized. “A life’s work takes a lifetime” and Jen is slowly engaging these talents as she works with the energy more consciously. Growing up, the power of Moon/Mars might have been too rich for her. As an intercepted conjunction it was able to be used internally, and perhaps only being released very rarely as fear of its power might have denied its expression.

At its heart, astrology is a spiritual practice. We have a persona and we have transpersonal goals, too. Awareness of what makes us tick, how to work with it, is the gift of astrological psychosynthesis. We all have super mutant powers. At this place in time, we need to engage all parts of ourselves to get us through the next iteration in one piece. It’s always encouraging to see new heroes awakening to their strengths. Yay for heroes.

Joyce Hopewell has an excellent must-read (Kindle version available also) on Huber aspect patterns. A review can be found here. Amazon here.

And A new edition of the original aspect pattern book is available in colour! Aspect Pattern Astrology: A New Holistic Horoscope Interpretation Method. This is a fantastic upgrade and reference owing to charts reproduced in colour with updated wording, etc. (mind you, the original was great, also).


“Re-Wilding That Feral Aesthetic,” Axioms for Wildness, Poem by Celtic Mystic John O’Donohue


Timing in the Birth Chart Calculating the Age Point