Counseling/Therapy and Transpersonal Guiding

It’s a common question: what is the difference between counselling/therapy and transpersonal, or spiritual guiding? It’s a valid question considering both approaches involve a lot of active listening and holding space, presence for your needs.

Indeed, they both can cover similar ground in allowing a person to share their personal struggles, journey and questions. Both are private, confidential and supportive.

Ultimately, my approach centers on allowing people to show up, as they are, perfectly imperfect, and engage their lives at larger levels than would otherwise be possible in the traditional therapist’s office. As a board certified psychosynthesis coach I hold potential in all areas of Self, trusting your unfolding nature.

The tools/process in transpersonal guiding can vary, too. Listening, empathetic reflecting, mirroring, imagery work, poetry, journaling, dreamwork, art, are all used in transpersonal guiding. The difference is that I’m not using Jungian analysis to pathologize your issues.

Therapy is absolutely essential for those that need it. My approach can work alongside therapy/counseling but it does not replace them (it’s not an either/or). In our current medical model of therapy we do not hold space for the larger life and spiritual direction.

Please contact me for more info or if you would like to get started with transpersonal guiding. I look forward to hearing from you.


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